Quick guide to getting started with PCT

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) has been around for over 50 years, leaving a trail of papers, books, websites, posts, conversations, videos all over the web. This is a quick guide to get started with the most basic materials.

  • Read a collection of introductory texts: https://www.iapct.org/category/pct/introduction/
  • Find a 2nd hand print or an online copy of Making Sense of Behavior (referred to as MSOB). William T. Powers’ 1998 short explanation of the basic ideas of PCT.
  • Find a 2nd hand print or an online copy of Behavior: the Control of Perception (B:CP), William T. Powers’ 1973 (or the updated 2005 edition) for a thorough and mind-changing experience of control of perception.
  • Test the interactive demonstrations on pct-labs.com or mindreadings.com.
  • Browse the themes section on this site for an overview of the diverse applications of PCT.
  • Browse the collection of papers, books and websites available on this site.
  • Connect to others studying perceptual control at our public forum. Welcome!
  • Consider becoming a member of the iapct and attending our annual conference.
