MoL Discussions

Latest discussions in the Method of Levels Section in Discourse

  • by @Abbott Bruce B. Abbott
    One of the control systems described in the video uses a Kalman filter algorithm, shown above; another is the PID, or Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller. This latter is the type of control system Bill Powers used in most of his simulations, such as those of pursuit tracking, and is described in the video as handling the last […]
  • by @rsmarken Richard Marken
    I was going to comment on this magnificent engineering accomplishment a couple days ago but thought better of it since I realized that what I was going to say was rather silly. I was going to say that perhaps Elon Musk’s puzzling (to me, anyway) support of the ignorant (and despicable) Donald Trump is actually […]
  • by @Abbott Bruce B. Abbott
    How SpaceX’s Starship Caught Its Booster: A Control Engineering Masterpiece This YouTube video discusses the kinds of control systems that SpaceX employed to bring the Starship booster back to the launch tower for a pinpoint catch by the tower’s “chopstick’s” arms.
  • by @rsmarken Richard Marken
    The generated podcast was impressive, though I found it a bit cloying. I would have liked it better if they had used Terry Gross of Fresh Air radio as the model for the interviewer and Richard Feynman as the model for the science reporter. But I was rather disappointed by the substance of the podcast […]
  • by @bnhpct Bruce E. Nevin
    Delayed reply due to Covid. I’m coming out of the fatigue penumbra. In the collective control situation that you model, a ‘stuck’ message is required. In a single hierarchical control system, there is no separate 'stuck" message, only the absence of the requested input. At the comparator of the lower-level controller that ‘absence’ has the […]