MOLFI: Measuring MOL adherence

Using the MOLFI

With the help and suggestions of MOL trainers, students, practitioners and PCT experts we have developed an instrument that is now ready to use: the MOLFI (Method of Levels Feedback Instrument).

The MOLFI consists of one sheet with questions, preceded by a short instruction. An extensive instruction, which will be updated in the process, is available here: MOLFI instruction sheet.

Please download the latest version of the MOLFI here in .PDF or .docx

Development of the instrument

We describe the process of developing this instrument and the broader accreditation procedure in this document. We will be working on a paper to disseminate this instrument, and we’ll ensure that it will be freely and openly available for all practitioners through the iapct website.

We kindly invite you to test this instrument to evaluate your own sessions and use it in intervision and supervision. Please provide your feedback to improve this version in the future.

Eva de Hullu, Warren Mansell, Ana Churchman. December 2022