Bill Powers discusses each of these acronyms: Control Theory, Perceptual Control Theory, Reality Therapy, The Method of Levels, and The International Association for Applied Control Theory.
Hello, all — Attached is a nice article by Fred Nichols ( who is a management consultant and a long-time CSG (control system group) member. It has a bearing on the difference between ACT (Steve […]
Timothy A. Carey, Sara J. Tai, and Robert Griffiths Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2021 edition (April 5, 2021) Book Description This book offers a radically different perspective on the topic of health inequity. Carey, Tai, […]
From Reorganization to Evolution and Back
The concept of reorganization as such is irrefutable, but how can it work? In this essay and final comments, Bill Powers touches on the source and evolution of his thinking over the years. […]