On Computing Output April 17, 2022 Dag Forssell Bill Powers, Papers, PCT William T. Powers Notes on the notion that the brain plans our movements and issues commands to muscles, pre-computing the precise muscle movements for people or robots. computing_outputDownload science
Biology & Neuroscience Motor-Sensory Confluence in Tactile Perception October 3, 2012 WM Biology & Neuroscience, Papers Avraham Saig,* Goren Gordon,* Eldad Assa, Amos Arieli, and Ehud Ahissar 14022 • The Journal of Neuroscience, October 3, 2012 • 32(40):14022–14032 https://www.jneurosci.org/content/32/40/14022.short
Biology & Neuroscience BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR: HIERARCHY OFFEEDBACK SYSTEMS AND CONTROL OFINPUT January 29, 1985 WM Biology & Neuroscience, Papers A. R. Cools
Bill Powers BYTE Articles April 16, 2022 Dag Forssell Bill Powers, Papers, PCT, Robotics and AI The BYTE articles are a book unto themselves – a four-part introduction to PCT and modeling. […]