An Expanded Control Model for the Use of Instructional Feedback October 11, 1995 WM Education Hancock Thomas E., Thurman Richard A., and Hubbard David C. education
Books The Dilemma of Enquiry and Learning March 22, 2022 Dag Forssell Books Hugh G. Petrie “I think that this book will be ‘compulsory reading’ in graduate schools of education around the country, and that it will arouse a vigorous and healthy controversy by shaking people out of […]
Education Using PCT to develop Learning of Technology January 11, 2023 WM Education, Papers Marc Schwartz and Philip M. Sadler
Education Teacher Adoption of Technology: A Perceptual Control Theory Perspective January 11, 2001 WM Education, Papers GARY A. CZIKO (2001) Teacher Adoption of Technology: A Perceptual Control Theory Perspective.