I control therefore I am therefore I control

Once around the loop

Elements of the control loop have been labeled slightly different by different people at different times and for different purposes, whether for a very plain explanation or for more mathematical treatment of the physical functions.  […]


The Rubber Band Demo

Dag Forssell This script and the accompanying video are designed to introduce and demonstrate the basic concept of PCT. The article Perceptual Control: Management Insight for Problem Solving, in the book: Management and Leadership: Insight […]


PCT Tutorials and Simulations

NOTE: Bill Powers’s work Living Control Systems III : The Fact of Control (2008) with updated Windows programs is recommended. These programs and the book explaining them provide an excellent introduction to PCT. The programs themselves are superior […]

Bill Powers

Festschrift for William T. Powers

est·schriftPronunciation: ‘fes(t)-“shrift Etymology: German, from Fest celebration + Schrift writingDate: 1898: a volume of writings by different authors presented as a tribute or memorial, especially to a scholar Introduction The William T. Powers Festschrift is […]