I control therefore I am therefore I control

Once around the loop

Elements of the control loop have been labeled slightly different by different people at different times and for different purposes, whether for a very plain explanation or for more mathematical treatment of the physical functions.  […]

Geese flying

PCT in 11 steps

Control is a process of acting on the world we perceive to make it the way we want it to be, and to keep it that way. Examples of control: standing upright; walking; steering a car; scrambling eggs; scratching an itch; knitting socks; singing a tune. Extruding a pseudopod to absorb a nanospeck of food (all organisms control, not only human beings). The smallest organisms control by biochemical means, bigger ones by means of a nervous system. […]

PCT Websites


The William Tuke Research Foundation was founded in 2020 by Dr. Anamaria Churchman and Danny Whittaker, inspired by a mutual interest in the interplay of mental health and social hardship, and the shared desire to create a credible research organization that marries together novel, innovative mental health research with ambitious, grassroots community projects. […]


The Rubber Band Demo

Dag Forssell This script and the accompanying video are designed to introduce and demonstrate the basic concept of PCT. The article Perceptual Control: Management Insight for Problem Solving, in the book: Management and Leadership: Insight […]

PCT Websites

Allison Powers

Allison Powers established a Facebook page, WTPowersArchives, about Bill Powers’ personal archives at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Review and indexing of the materials is underway. Archivist: Kevin Leonard. […]

PCT Websites

Bruce Abbott

Professor of psychology at Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), collaborated with Bill Powers on Windows programs for Bill’s 2008 book Living Control Systems III. Those programs are held in this repository, together with another of other computer programs that were developed to highlight various aspects of PCT. […]